Monday, February 21, 2011

Back into Blogging

Life has been busy for the last few months, I seem to have slid into becoming a weirdo personal assistant. In theory I’m still an Enterprise Architect but at the moment that seems to mean personal assistant to the head of operations. Lots of people seem to have fancy idea about what an Enterprise Architect is, something I will perhaps write a little more about when I’m not 4 minutes from the next conference call.

These days I seem to spend perhaps 5% of my time specifying requirements/acceptance criteria and 95% of my time building the business case for one approach or another. Success is measured in the number of spin cycles the board takes over making a decision. In any large organization IT Strategy s not so much a question of Jab and Move and more stand back and soak up the punches.

Oh well con call to jump on . . . might get back to this later or perhaps I should switch to Micro blogging . . . to be continued . . .

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